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Awards and medals in international competitions


TIWC2021, Gold Medal, dio potamia Barrique White dry, Kontoura white "dio potamia" Barrique White dry, 2019, Kontoura white
21st Thessaloniki International Wine Competion 2021, Gold Medal (95/100).
Best wine of the show from Savatiano

BIWCF2021, Gold Medal, dio potamia White dry, Kontoura white "dio potamia" White dry, 2020, Kontoura white
10th Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival 2021, Gold Medal.

BIWCF2021, Gold Medal, 'Μ' Barrique 2016, Merlot-Mouhtaro "Μ" Barrique Red dry,2017, Merlot-Mouhtaro
10th Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival 2021, Gold Medal.

BIWCF2021, Siver Medal, dio potamia Rose, Grenache Rouge "dio potamia" Rose dry, 2020, Grenache Rouge
10th Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival 2021, Silver Medal.

BIWCF2021, Siver Medal, Klepsidra, Malagousia Klepsidra White dry, 2020, Malagousia
10th Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival 2021, Silver Medal.

DWWA2020, Silver, Mouhtaro Vintage Papanikolas, MouhtaroΜούχταρο Vintage "Παπανικόλας", 2018, Μούχταρο
Decanter World Wine Awards 2020, Silver 90 Points.

BIWC2020, Gold Medal, Mouhtaro Vintage Papanikolas, Mouhtaro Mouhtaro Vintage "Papanikolas", 2018, Mouhtaro
9th Balkans International Wine Competition 2020, Gold Medal.

BIWC2020, Siver Medal, dio potamia Rose, Grenache Rouge "dio potamia" Rose dry, 2019, Grenache Rouge
9th Balkans International Wine Competition 2020, Silver Medal.

BIWC2020, Siver Medal, Klepsidra, Malagousia Klepsidra White dry, 2019, Malagousia
9th Balkans International Wine Competition 2020, Silver Medal.

BIWC2019, Gold Medal, dio potamia Rose, Grenache Rouge "dio potamia" Rose dry, 2018, Grenache Rouge
8th Balkans International Wine Competition 2019, Gold Medal.

BIWC2019, Siver Medal, dio potamia White dry, Kontoura white "dio potamia" White dry, 2018, Kontoura white
8th Balkans International Wine Competition 2019, Silver Medal.

BIWC2019, Siver Medal, Klepsidra, Malagousia Klepsidra White dry, 2018, Malagousia
8th Balkans International Wine Competition 2019, Silver Medal.

BIWC2019, Siver Medal, dio potamia Barrique 2016 White dry, Kontoura white "dio potamia" Barrique White dry, 2016, Kontoura white
8th Balkans International Wine Competition 2019, Silver Medal.

BIWC2019, Siver Medal, 'Μ' Barrique 2016, Merlot-Mouhtaro "Μ" Barrique Red dry,2016, Merlot-Mouhtaro
8th Balkans International Wine Competition 2019, Silver Medal.

TIWC2019, Bronze Medal "dio potamia" White dry, 2018, Kontoura white 
19th Thessaloniki International Wine Competion 2019, Bronze Medal (86/100).

BIWC2018, Silver medal, two rivers White, Kontoura white "two rivers" White dry, 2017, Kontoura white
7th Balkans International Wine Competition 2018, Silver medal

BIWC2018, Silver medal, Klepsidra, Malagousia Klepsidra White dry, 2017, Malagousia
7th Balkans International Wine Competition 2018, Silver medal

BIWC2018, Silver medal, two rivers Rose, Grenache Rouge two rivers" Rose dry, 2017, Grenache Rouge
7th Balkans International Wine Competition 2018, Silver medal

BIWC2018, Bronze medal, 'Μ', Merlot-Mouhtaro "Μ" Red dry, 2016, Merlot-Mouhtaro
7th Balkans International Wine Competition 2018, Bronze medal

TIWC2018, Bronze medal "two rivers" 2017 white dry, Kontoura white 
18th International Thessaloniki Wine Competition 2018, Bronze medal (86/100)

BIWC2017, Gold medal, two rivers Rose, Grenache Rouge "two rivers" Rose 2016 dry, Grenache Rouge
6th Balkans International Wine Competition 2017, Gold medal

BIWC2017, Silver medal, Kontoura white "two rivers" 2016 white dry, Kontoura white
6th Balkans International Wine Competition 2017, Silver medal

BIWC2017, Bronze medal, Malagousia Klepsidra 2016 white dry, Malagousia
6th Balkans International Wine Competition 2017, Bronze medal

BWT2016, Gold medal, Malagousia Klepsidra 2015 white dry, Malagousia
20th BERLINER WEIN TROPHY Competition 2016, Gold medal

BWT2016, Silver medal, Barrique 2014 Kontoura White Two Rivers Barrique 2014 white dry, Kontoura White
20th BERLINER WEIN TROPHY Competition 2016, Silver medal

BIWC2016, Silver medal, Kontoura white "two rivers" 2015 white dry, Kontoura white
5th Balkans International Wine Competition 2016, Silver medal

BIWC2016, Silver medal, Malagousia Klepsidra 2015 white dry, Malagousia
5th Balkans International Wine Competition 2016, Silver medal

ASIAWT2015, Silver medal, Malagousia Klepsidra 2014 white dry, Malagousia
3rd Asia Wine Trophy Competition 2015, Silver medal

BIWC2015, Silver medal, Kontoura white "two rivers" 2014 white dry, Kontoura white
4th Balkans International Wine Competition 2015, Silver medal

BIWC2015, Silver medal, Malagousia Klepsidra 2014 white dry, Malagousia
4th Balkans International Wine Competition 2015, Silver medal

TIWC2015, Silver medal Klepsidra 2014 white dry, Malagousia single vineyard 
15th International Thessaloniki Wine Competition 2015, Silver medal (86/100).

DWWA2014 "two rivers" 2013 white dry, Kontoura white single vineyard 
World Wine Awards Decanter 2014, Bronze Medal.
A pdf version of the award can be downloaded here 

 "two rivers" 2013 white dry, Kontoura white single vineyard 
14th International Thessaloniki Wine Competition 2014, Gold medal.

 "two rivers" 2011 white dry, Kontoura white single vineyard 
International Competition Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold medal.
A pdf version of the award  can be downloaded here

 "two rivers" 2011 white dry, Kontoura white single vineyard 
12th International Thessaloniki Wine Competition 2012, Gold medal
